brb, moving to Coogee Beach
Just a casual Sydney Opera House sighting.
Hearts to the SOP
Love her so much I could squeeze her.
and Sydney's famous, Bondi Beach.
As per usual, I thought I'd leave a #novelsbycass moment here. My blog is slowly becoming a release station. I get here, I work through my emotions and I leave. While I'm using this niche on the web as an excuse for free therapy, I also love hearing your thoughts and encouragement. Thank you. I'm sending a cyber squeeze to anyone who's ever given me either.
After my weekend getaway to Sydney I realized how much work is continually before me in becoming a better Cass. Since last May, I've had a real dilemma on my hands. How do I spend my time when I don't have 19 credits and a college social scene governing my every second? Simply put, I don't know...but I'm on my way to finding out.
Amidst the spinning confusion of life, somewhere along the way I decided to steady my mind by focusing at the center of it all, myself. Some parts of me felt I had to or I'd get lost. While I'm not going to take away my credit as a human being who is learning to love myself more, give my feelings more priority and follow my gut, all this inward thinking has left me feeling more lost than when I began. I'm thinking if I can just put my view on all those spinning images that encircle me, God may gift me snapshots in time where I'll be able to focus in on those around me for a few seconds, hours or even days and give. Give of my talents, love, friendship, belongings, etc. I'm now figuring if I can only keep my eyes glued on the blur (that is my relationship with the human race) and pinpoint these snapshots, I'll find my way...eventually.
Just some crazy ramblings from my little brain. Have a great weekend humanoids.
xo cass
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