Hello there. I'm the new girl on the street & not a clue what I'm doing on here. I started this little bloggy of mine months ago and I finally figured I'd been dragging my feet long enough. We'll see where this little piece of the web takes me or rather where life takes me.
My first trip out of the country was more like flying on a spaceship to a whole other planet. The culture, the food, the people, the climate, the rain & most all aspects of Mexico were new and unexpected. I was greeted by the warmest human beings in the solar system, fell in love with pan dulce (sweet bread), ate refried beans (for breakfast, lunch and dinner), got sick...very sick, took a million taxis, went to a catholic church, went to an LDS church, literally slid in dog poo, witnessed unimaginable poverty, climbed a mountain and walked where the Aztecs walked. It was wild, difficult, exhausting and energizing all at once. I wanted to roll all of Mexico into my hands, place it in a jar and take it home. So...my wish is was little impractical, but Mexico gave me something better.
My gift from Mexico....
Mexico taught me how completely powerful I am. How powerful we all are. As an individual we can say one thing a day to empower another. It's a thought, a word, an action. When we encounter a complication in our collective world or within our own spirits, we shy away. The possibility of failure is too intimidating. However, we are never going to have all the answers. No one is going to write a script or an instructional guide for the difficulties we face & if they did, it would't work how we want it to. We are unique individuals with strengths, weaknesses, bruises and interactions with the world. We need to take the initiative to fix the uncomfortable realities around us. Don't stop because you don't have the answers. Start where you are. It's all you can do. We are not perfect. We really aren't. And your best cannot be compared to mine. Your best now (in this moment) is also not comparable to last year, yesterday, an hour ago, or even a minute ago. We are all changing, evolving, growing, connecting, every single second of each and every day. Let's refrain from shying away from the difficulties around us. Let's look at our realities with an open eye. And be kind to yourself. Just BE KIND.
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