One thought that's been turning over and over in my head these days that I've been working to make a part of me is this idea of unattachment. Unattached to people, places, routine, relationships, feelings, my title, accomplishments and the list goes on. I've found freedom in letting go of both the happy and the sad that continually ebbs and flows throughout the months. Unattachment doesn't mean shallow living, rather the opposite is true. It means that because you cherish and celebrate yourself completely free and released from all of these things you can love deeper and without fear. You are completely whole without it all. It means that if your boat was rocked in a big way; you lost your job, someone passed away, etc. you'd stay steadier and more constant. Living without attachment also means letting go of approval from others. It's not taking things personally because you aren't clenching to the accolades, approval and beliefs people give/ place on you. You can sustain yourself. See how freeing that would be?
Anyways, things are starting to get a little too deep for a Saturday night. Absolutely loved shooting with and becoming bffs with Talia Photography. We mostly just hung out and took photos on the side. lolz. Talia, thank you for being such a beautiful human and allowing me to feel the same. Also, thank you for checking in on this blog of mine. Although I don't always get around to giving this space much love, I adore the thing. Therefore, since you stopped by I adore you too. Happy Sunday beautiful humans!
Photography by Talia Photography. xo